Lecture: Bilingualism in Colombia : A view from de U.S. Embassy… en la Universidad Nacional de ColombiA

El Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras de la UN, y ASOCOPI invita a Bilingualism in Colombia: A view from the U.S. Embassy. By Hilary Renner.
19 de septiembre de 2009 . 9 am.
Auditorio Virginia Gutiérrez, Edif. Posgrados Ciencias Humanas. Entrada libre.

*Ms Renner's talk is organized as the official launching of ASOCOPI's 44 th Annual Conference "The Symbolic Power of English: Implications for Colombian Educational Settings" to be held from October 8 – 11, 2009 at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín.

For further information please contact us at asocopi@yahoo.com . Phone/Fax (57 1) 2 11 50 18 Bogotá; Tel. 316500 Ext. 16764 / 16776 / 16773 . deplene_fchbog@unal.edu.co