Convocatoria 2015: Becas de Residencias de la Fundación Bogliasco | The Liguria Study Center for the Arts and Humanities, Italia
Plazo para envío de propuestas: 15 de enero de 2015
50 becas dirigidas a artistas, productores culturales o investigadores de cualquier nacionalidad. Disciplinas: arqueología, arquitectura, paisajismo, danza, cine/vídeo, historia, literatura, música, teatro y artes visuales.
Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded to gifted individuals working in all the disciplines of the Arts and Humanities without regard to nationality, age, race, religion or gender. To be eligible for the award of a Fellowship, applicants should demonstrate significant achievement in their disciplines, commensurate with their age and experience. Please note that Bogliasco Fellowships are not awarded to students currently in a degree-granting program. The Foundation gives preference to those whose applications suggest that they would be comfortable working in an intimate, international, multilingual community of scholars and artists. The Foundation only accepts applications submitted through the online application system. To access the system, you must first register for an account here, where you will also find a list of requirements that we strongly encourage you to read before beginning your application. Once registered, you may login as needed to work on your application by clicking on the "login" button indicated to the left.
Publicado por: Sergio Díaz-Luna para
RedNEL Colombia